Practical Spirituality
for a Modern Life

Welcome to Unity of Melbourne!

Greetings Fellow Travellers on the path.

Unity of Melbourne


Welcome to Unity of Melbourne.

Fortnightly Sunday Gatherings will be conducted from our Sanctuary at 4 Renown St. Burwood.
All are welcome to attend.
These Gatherings will be broadcast on ZOOM for those unable to attend in person.


Greetings Fellow Traveler's on the Path.

Power of the Month: WISDOM/JUDGMENT

The Power of the month for March is - WISDOM/JUDGMENT.
The colour is YELLOW.
Its location is in the SOLAR PLEXUS.
It is represented by the disciple JAMES the son of Zebedee.

The quality here is to evaluate, discern, be wise.

There are many times a day we use this power of wisdom.
Sometimes it is best to let things go, and at other times we act according
to our Inner Wisdom knowing that it is the right thing to do at this time.

The right use of wisdom gives us peace of mind, even if all about us are
indecisive and scattered. We am where spirit wants us to be.

From the book of Isaiah 30 : 20

"And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears
shall hear a word behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it."


Check out our FACEBOOK PAGE
which is updated daily.

The WHATS ON PAGE - contains a link to the Unity National School Website which has a list of the current and up coming classes for the next few months.

See CONTACT PAGE for the new email address for Intention/prayer requests.

The DONATION PAGE has the information needed for donations or Tithes to UOM.

Many Blessings.
Rev. William Livingston.

What's on at Unity of Melbourne

Sundays, 9.30 - 10.00am.

Sunday Service
10.30 - 11.30am followed by refreshments and fellowship.

Service now on Zoom. Join URL: Password: 1

Library and Bookshop open between 11.30 and midday. Membership fee applies.

Spritial Counselling with the Minister is available by appointment. Please telephone 9889 8503 (office) or 0439658119 (Minister) to make a booking.

Check the Whats on & Events tabs for the latest on upcoming events

Get in touch

Unity of Melbourne
4 - 6 Renown St, Burwood
VIC, 3125 Australia

03 9889 8503

Unity of Melbourne Media



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"Unity School of Christianity Melbourne Inc. (trading as Unity of Melbourne) does not endorse, and is not to be held responsible for the content of any lecture, actions, advice or opinions expressed by its employees, contractors, members or attendees in workshops or at any other event organised under its auspices. No content from the Unity of Melbourne website, all forms of social media, facebook, weekly newsletter, spiritual advice, presentations or publications may be construed as professional advice of any kind or as a substitute for professional counselling and/or therapy.”
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